5 Must-Have Apps for University Students
6:37 PM
As a university student, I relied on multiple apps to get me through not just my studies but my personal life as well. While there are many apps out there, I thought I will list five that you must have as a university student.
I often struggle with task management. Having written down numerous to-do lists on whatever scraps of paper available to me, I often found myself getting lost in the tasks that are to be completed throughout the day. While I have used several apps prior to Wunderlist, it is the only app I've been consistently using. I've got to admit it's the design that drew me in. I already have several lists for my Blog, Youth Magazine, and University, to which I can add tasks and sub-tasks, and a reminder for their completion. I can also view what I have completed, because every now and then I need a boost of confidence to motivate myself.

Other than OneNote by Microsoft, the only note-taking app I used throughout university was Evernote. I found this so much more convenient to use on my phone. Dare I say, this is the best note-taking app I've come across. From taking brain dumps, to compiling my lecture notes, this was my go-to resource. If you're someone that recalls information through mental snapshots like me, this app is perfect as it allows you to incorporate images to your notes. You can find a detailed review of the app on pcmag.

Flash cards make use of spaced repetition which enables the learners to test their memory within increasing gaps of time. While making flashcards can be fun and exciting, it is not practical to carry stacks of them in the handbag, and you definitely wouldn't have the space to use them in public transport. This is where Anki comes in. You can make umpteen number of flashcards, change layouts and arrange reviewing times to test yourself. The best part is that you can use it anywhere, anytime, and you can sync it to make them accessible on all of your devices.

This app doesn't even need an introduction on my blog, as I've already written about it. While I did not come across this during my undergrad years, this was critical for surviving my Masters. It is no wonder that university can add a lot of stress and anxiety to your life. From what seems like endless examinations, to having to manage anxiety during presentations, to managing social relationships, your resilience will constantly be put to test. This is why I recommend Pacifica. It has features for meditation and deep breathing to manage worry and anxiety, thought records based on Cognitive Behavioural Theory to identify unhelpful thoughts in order to set them right, and offers a supportive network of individuals going through more or less similar situations.
One of the most critical things about adult life or university life is managing your finances. You might be working while studying, and you need to ensure that your hard earned money will be spent on the right things. I know what you're thinking, look who's talking right? This app came to my rescue when I was spending every single cent on makeup and clothes. I'm not saying that I don't purchase any of this now, but I've learned to manage my finances so much better. It allowed me to see what I spent most on (oddly it was travelling), and allocate budgets.
Which of these apps are your favourites to use as a university student? If you have any recommendations, let me know in a comment down below.
Thank you so much for reading,
Much Love,