Visit to The Body Shop
11:20 PMI am a self-proclaimed makeup junkie. It can do a lot to make my skin appear better than what I usually see in a mirror on a Monday morning. However makeup itself is not enough. Admittedly clear skin is something that often seems far out of reach, especially for someone with oily-combination skin like mine. The slightest amount of dirt and sweat is enough to clog my pores and prompt break outs. While the need maybe overwhelming to have clear skin 24/7, it just is unrealistic. After all, dirt and sweat aren't the only reasons why we get those uninvited guests. Level of stress, diet, the amount of water consumed are some factors behind constant break-outs. Truth is we all suffer from break-outs every now and then and it's okay. It just so happens that most of those breakouts leave behind marks or blemishes. It's true and poetic to say that true beauty lies within, but sometimes your skin condition can take a toll on your inner beauty as well as it starts to affect your self-confidence. Naturally it would cause a person to be more self-conscious. Imagine being preoccupied with the way you look while you are at an important interview or dinner party. It isn't a good feeling. So in addition to healthy diet, if there are products that can minimize the rise of breakouts, it isn't a terrible idea to try them out. Maybe you'll finally come across a product that can keep those blemishes at bay.
A couple of weeks ago, a representative from The Body Shop mailed me the press release on the two newest additions to their iconic blemish battling Tea Tree Range. So day before yesterday I made a cheeky little stop by The Body Shop store at the Fairline building while I was in Colombo for some official work. I was very kindly gifted the new products ‘Anti Imperfection Daily Solution’ and ‘3 in 1 wash. scrub. and mask'.
The Anti Imperfection Daily Solution is a "lightweight, pre-serum concentrate that combats blemishes and improves the overall condition of skin".
It is supposed to make your skin look
It is supposed to make your skin look
*Soothed, with reduced redness and imperfections
*Soothed, with reduced redness and imperfections
The 3 in 1 wash, scrub and mask can be used as a wash, a scrub or a mask to combat blemishes and excess oil. They have stated that:
"When used as a wash, the foaming clay removes impurities and excess oil.
As a scrub, the exfoliants unclog pores, smooth skin’s surface and reduce the appearance of blackhead.
When applied as a mask, the drying clay reduces blackheads and shine, deeply cleanses, mattifies and tightens pores."
Sounds fantastic right? I'm so excited to try these out, so I will let you know on my Instagram and obviously right here on my blog, how this little venture turns out.
The day didn't end there obviously. I was probably a bit too enthusiastic about being there that after snapping a picture of the gift, I thought my shopping was done so I walked out of the store. Few steps later I realized that I had left my other purchases and my credit card inside the store. So I went back in feeling more embarrassed than ever. The staff there were really nice and didn't make me feel like a complete goof. Thumbs up for great customer service, seriously, thanks again!

I wanted to get another shower gel/ cream since I absolutely loved my Wild Argan Shower Gel. So I picked up the Shea Shower Cream which is a soap free cleanser with Shea butter. For those of you who may not know, Shea butter is absolutely amazing for the skin, especially for people with dry skin because it keeps the skin's moisture well balanced. It has a very subtle nutty scent which is not too overpowering. So I have a feeling I'm going to love this one. This was priced at Rs. 1250.

I also got the Drops of Youth Bouncy Sleeping Mask which is a smoothing, refreshing and replenishing night cream gel. I've seen so many reviews raving about this product, so I wanted to try it out as well.

To be honest I might have been lured in by the texture which I find to be quite funny for some reason unbeknownst to me. The consistency is kind of like jelly, it is impossible to scoop the product from the finger tips; don't worry it comes with a spatula. I am so intrigued by this product, I can't wait to give it a go.

By the way, this was priced at Rs. 6800. If you had asked me last year if I would ever purchase this product my answer would have been a flat out NO. But over the year I have tried quite a few products from The Body Shop and they have never disappointed me. I wholeheartedly trust them with my skin care, so I decided to get this product because their products are very consistent in terms of quality. Besides, skin care products are kind of like an investment, it's important to choose quality over the price.

To be honest I might have been lured in by the texture which I find to be quite funny for some reason unbeknownst to me. The consistency is kind of like jelly, it is impossible to scoop the product from the finger tips; don't worry it comes with a spatula. I am so intrigued by this product, I can't wait to give it a go.

By the way, this was priced at Rs. 6800. If you had asked me last year if I would ever purchase this product my answer would have been a flat out NO. But over the year I have tried quite a few products from The Body Shop and they have never disappointed me. I wholeheartedly trust them with my skin care, so I decided to get this product because their products are very consistent in terms of quality. Besides, skin care products are kind of like an investment, it's important to choose quality over the price.
As I said, I already have a feeling I'm going to love the shower cream. Since the rest of the products require a couple of weeks of testing, I will keep you updated as I try them and get back to you with a complete review on how they work on my skin.
Check The Body Shop LK FaceBook Page for more information: